
HRI Online 2022 – Key Collaborations in Homeopathy Research
25 June 2022


HRI Online 2022 (hereafter also referred to as The Event) includes live and unedited video conferencing sessions, using third party virtual platforms. Although the provider of the virtual platform has ensured security, it does not completely eliminate the risk of hacking and abuse as the programme is live. We are therefore not responsible for any damage sustained through participation in The Event. 

Information presented at The Event is for educational purposes only. The opinions expressed by speakers, moderators and attendees are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect the views or position of the Homeopathy Research Institute (HRI).

The Event has been created to share experiences of professionals and organisations within homeopathy and does not constitute professional or medical advice by HRI or the presenters.

HRI supports the use of homeopathy, alongside conventional medicine, within an integrated healthcare model. HRI therefore supports public health initiatives taken by Governments of various nations for the prevention of disease and management of public health.